Burns are a scary thing, especially if they’re serious enough to warrant treatment in a hospital. People who have suffered from burns can tell you that the pain is excruciating and that it’s best to avoid getting them in the first place. But what happens when you do get burned? How do you treat your burn? In this article, we’ll explore how to treat burns using lavender oil —and why it’s such an effective remedy. We’ll discuss how lavender works as an antiseptic, its effects on skin cells, and how it can help soothe painful burns faster than other remedies.
An Introduction To Burns And Burns Treatment
Burns are injuries that occur when the skin is exposed to heat, radiation, or chemicals. Burns can be categorized into four types: first-degree, second-degree, third-degree, and fourth-degree.
First-degree burns cause redness and swelling but do not penetrate through the top layer of skin (epidermis). They feel like sunburns and heal without scarring in about a week if left untreated. Second-degree burns cause blistering of the epidermis with injury extending down into underlying tissues such as fat or muscle tissue beneath it. These wounds take longer than first-degree burns because they require damaged tissue reattached before healing can begin. Third-degree burns extend down through both layers of skin (epidermis & dermis) into subcutaneous fat. They damage nerve endings responsible for sending pain signals back up through nerves towards the brain, causing excruciating pain whenever touched even lightly by someone else’s hand! Fourth-degree burns affect internal organs such as the lungs because they require intensive surgery before walking again generally after recovering from this type of burns.
Introducing Lavender
Lavender is a plant that grows in the Mediterranean region. It has many uses and properties, including its ability to help with burns.
Lavender oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant by steam distillation or maceration (soaking). The resulting liquid contains monoterpenes such as linalool and geraniol, responsible for its sweet smell.
Lavender Oil’s Properties
Lavender oil is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, which helps kill bacteria and reduce pain. Lavender oil also has analgesic properties, which means that it can be used to relieve pain. Lavender oil is also an antihistamine, which can help reduce swelling and itching associated with burns. Finally, lavender oil contains antioxidants that will help protect your skin from further damage by free radicals (unstable molecules).
To Treat Your Burn With Lavender Oil, You Should:
- Gently massage the affected area with one drop of lavender oil.
- Take a break from touching or massaging that spot for at least 1 hour. You can use this time to rest or recover from any pain caused by your burn.
- Do not cover the burn with anything like gauze pads or bandages. This could prevent air circulation and increase infection risk! Instead, just let it breathe freely while you’re resting (or if you need to go about your day).
- If you want, repeat this process once more each day after getting burned-but no more than three times per day! It’s important not to overdo it when using lavender oil because too much could irritate the top of existing discomfort caused by burns themselves, defeating our goal here, which is making things better instead worse!